sábado, 11 de julio de 2020

Les compartimos un publicación !!!#densitometrososeos #ecografos #mamografos #tbs #3d-Shaper #sunligth Les compartimos un post de @rsnagram !!!#densitometrososeos #ecografos #mamografos #tbs #3d-Shaper #sunligth Check our linkin.bio to see full article.⁠⁠RSNA Case Collection - Fat Necrosis/Oil cyst⁠⁠6/2/2020⁠⁠Figure legend: Bilateral craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique views demonstrate lucent centered masses in the upper outer right breast (red circles), corresponding to palpable areas of concern denoted by triangle skin markers. Of note, the patient has similar appearing findings in the left breast (red arrows).⁠⁠Age and gender: 40 year old female⁠⁠Clinical history & presentation: Patient reports two palpable areas of concern in the upper outer right breast. History of bilateral breast augmentation via autologous fat transfer. No family history of breast cancer.⁠⁠#RSNACC #RSNA #radiologylife #radiologia #radiologie #radiologi #FOAMRad #RadRes #RadFellows #MedEd #BreastImaing #mammo #mammogram #mammograms #BreastUltrasound #mammogramssavelives #mammogramsmatter

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