jueves, 2 de julio de 2020

Les compartimos un publicación !!!#densitometrososeos #ecografos #mamografos #tbs #3d-Shaper #sunligth Les compartimos un trabajo de @rsnagram !!!#densitometrososeos #ecografos #mamografos #tbs #3d-Shaper #sunligth Radiology: Artificial Intelligence - Convolutional Neural Networks for Automatic Risser Stage Assessment⁠⁠May 27 2020⁠⁠Figure 5b. Sample radiographic images. First row: ground truth (GT). Second row: Risser stage assigned by each observer. Third row: Risser stage assigned by AGM. Fourth row: Original image. Fifth row: Gradient-weighted class activation mapping (Grad-CAM) highlighting the AGM’s most important regions of images. The color map scales from red (most discriminant) to blue (least discriminant).⁠⁠⁠#RSNA #AI #RadAI #ArtificialIntelligence #ML #DeepLearning #NeuralNetwork #Radiology #radiologia

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