jueves, 11 de junio de 2020

Les compartimos un post !!!#densitometrososeos #ecografos #mamografos #tbs #3d-Shaper #sunligth Les compartimos un articulo de @rsnagram !!!#densitometrososeos #ecografos #mamografos #tbs #3d-Shaper #sunligth Check our linkin.bio to see full article.⁠⁠Radiology - AI Augmentation of Radiologist Performance in Distinguishing COVID-19 from Pneumonia of Other Etiology on Chest CT⁠⁠Apr 27 2020⁠⁠Figure 5. Representative slices corresponding to Grad-CAM images on the test set.⁠⁠#RSNA #Radiology #radiologie #imaging #MedicalEducation #coronavirus #covid19 #covid_19 #covid #2019nCoV #CDC #CTRad #ChestRad #ChestRadiology #AI #RadAI #ArtificialIntelligence #ML

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