miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

Les compartimos un articulo !!!#densitometrososeos #ecografos #mamografos #tbs #3d-Shaper #sunligth Les compartimos un articulo de @rsnagram !!!#densitometrososeos #ecografos #mamografos #tbs #3d-Shaper #sunligth RadioGraphics - Multimodality Imaging Techniques for Performing Challenging Core Biopsies⁠⁠May 4 2020⁠⁠Figure 2. Contrast-enhanced US for liver biopsy in a patient with renal failure. A, Gray-scale US image shows an indeterminate liver mass (arrow) that is difficult to visualize. The finding was not well characterized at prior cross-sectional imaging (not shown). B, C, Contrast-enhanced US images provide better visualization and characterization of the mass (arrowheads), which is hypoenhancing relative to the surrounding hepatic parenchyma, to facilitate US-guided biopsy. The results of a pathologic examination confirmed cavernous hemangioma.⁠⁠#RSNA #RadCME #radiologi #RadRes #imaging #radiologystudent #Vascular #vascolare #VascularSurgery #BloodVessels #BloodVessel #InterventionalRadiology #IRad #RadiologíaIntervencionista #RadiologiaIntervencionista #RadiologiaInterventistica #InterventionalRadiologist #biopsies

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