jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2021

Check our linkin.bio to see full article.⁠

Radiology - Detecting Large Vessel Occlusion at Multiphase CT Angiography by Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network⁠

Sep 29 2020⁠

Figure 3: Axial maximum intensity projection images and a heat map in a 60-year old man who presented to the emergency department with new onset left-sided weakness. A, Arterial (phase 1) image shows an abrupt occlusion of the distal M1 branch of the right middle cerebral artery (arrow) with paucity of distal vasculature. B, Venous (phase 2) image shows subtle asymmetry with minimal increased vascularity in the contralateral left hemisphere. C, Late venous (phase 3) image shows prominent increased opacification of the ipsilateral right hemispheric vasculature downstream from the occlusion. D, Heat map shows the most discriminative region (red) that the model used for the correct prediction.⁠

#RSNA #radiologia #RadRes #imaging #roentgen

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