lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2020

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Radiology - Automated Assessment of CO-RADS and Chest CT Severity Scores in Patients with Suspected COVID-19 Using Artificial Intelligence⁠

Jul 30 2020⁠

Figure 4. CO-RADS and CT severity score predictions for a COVID-19 positive case with extensive parenchymal involvement. 73-year-old woman with positive RT-PCR test result. Non-contrast CT scan in coronal view (top row), overlaid with the automatic lobe segmentation (middle row) and the detected areas of abnormal parenchymal lung tissue (bottom row). This figure also shows the probabilities that the artificial intelligence model assigned to each CO-RADS category (bottom left), and the computed percentages of affected parenchymal tissue and the corresponding CT Severity Score (CTSS) per lobe per lobe (bottom right). The eight observers scored this case 3x CO-RADS 3, 1x CO-RADS 4 and 4x CO-RADS 5.⁠

#RSNA #radiologi #radiologylife #imaging #AI

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